When it comes to personal and professional success, it’s no longer a secret that a positive attitude makes all the difference. Still, you probably know plenty of folks who are always ready to criticize, condemn, and complain.
The next time Dan or Debbie Downer starts to wear on your nerves, reply with something like: “You’re clearly upset, but I see it like this…” or “Have you ever thought to look at the situation this way…?”
Another strategy is even more proactive. When you see Dan or Debbie heading your way, try to start things off on a positive note. Be ready to open the conversation with: “What’s the good news?” or “Did you hear that [something positive]…”
If you of often interact with someone who seems mostly negative, challenge yourself to make a list of their positive attributes. While it may seem a little “far out,” you’ll be surprised how this simple exercise will shift your interactions for the better.
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