My grandkids just came back from camp and, every year, they seem to love it more and more. Of course, they don’t want summer to end or to have to go back to school.
How would you guess your employees feel coming back from
summer vacation? Wishing summer would never end and they wouldn’t have to go back to work? Maybe they’re beginning to think there has to be greener grass somewhere else out there for them because according to a just released Gallup poll, about 50 percent of American workers are keeping any eye out for something better.
This means this is the time you need to make sure you are having on-going, one-on-one conversations with the valued employees you don’t want to lose.
Yes, you want to find out all about that vacation and take a real interest in them, but also consider asking some of the following “stay interview” questions:
What are the most satisfying parts of your job? What would you like to be doing more of and would you like to do less of?
What do you like about working for our organization? Any dislikes?
How do you feel about the space where you do most of your work?
What keeps you engaged in your role now?
What would you like to do more or less of next?
Need a great speaker for your next meeting? Give me a call; let’s talk!
Mel Kleiman, Founder & President
(713) 771.4401
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