- Make a list of not only what a great employee will do, but how they will do it.
- Make a list of the reasons a great employee would want to come to work for your firm.
- Don’t go after people who looking for a job; go after those that are looking for a better job/career.
- Don’t limit your recruiting to job boards and social media. Use every possible method to reach your targeted recruits (off-line and on-line).
- Give them a reason they should want to talk to you about your opportunity.
- Move quickly,
- Make them feel special and treat them with respect.
- Remember, the purpose of onboarding is to make them feel welcome, bring them up to speed, and reinforce their “buying decision.”
- Always keep looking. You can always find room for a great employee.
- The great philosopher Dilbert said: “The two keys to business success are comprised of: 20% = hiring great employees and 80% = leaving them alone so they can do their jobs.
Need a great speaker for your next meeting? Give me a call; let’s talk!
Mel Kleiman, Founder & President
(713) 771.4401
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