
Your Unique Employment Proposition (UEP) is a list of the top 10 reasons STARS*  should want to work for you. After all, if you don’t know why STAR employees should come to work for you, how on earth […]


What does it cost you if you hire a non-productive, disruptive employee who adds no value? What does it cost you if you hire an okay employee who does the job, but who is not exceptional, and only […]


When you have jobs that are tough to fill, one option is to look in places you normally wouldn’t. There are people with tremendous potential in each of these often looked groups if they would just be given a […]


Do not go into the hiring process looking for what you need, i.e., someone to fill a shift or do a particular job. Rather, go into it looking for what you want, i.e., someone who will add value […]


I’ve been using this Sam Walton quote in my presentations for years: “The most important decision a manager makes every day is who is allowed in the doors to help take care of the customers.” It has occurred to me […]


As I write this, it is 2:00 p.m. and I am sitting in the now closed section of a steakhouse restaurant eating a late lunch. And, right up my alley, I just got to watch the manager conduct an […]


Negligent on-boarding may not provoke a lawsuit, but it sure can create problems. The fastest growing class of lawsuits in America today are those related to employment law. Within this category, the two fastest growing types of cases […]


Skim through online job ads and you’ll find about 95% of them have one word in common: “Starting wages based on experience…” “Looking for experienced, energetic servers and kitchen staff…” “We are currently seeking an experienced office assistant…” […]


Because we live in a world of “Helicopter Parents” (parents who hover over and are involved in everything their children do) and because the number one reason teenagers quit or get fired is for not being able to work […]


Quit concentrating on how to avoid hiring the wrong people and focus instead on how to find and hire the right ones. The primary goal of most hiring managers and hiring systems is to screen out the least […]
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