
Why the applicant accepted or turned down your job offer? How the applicants feel about your hiring system and interview process? How many of the applicants who turned you down took another offer from someone else and why? If you don’t […]


What’s the one, most important thing you want to accomplish today?


Whether you’re hiring a V.P. or a an entry-level clerk, never take your hiring decisions lightly. Both you and the job applicant expect certain results from your agreement to work together and you’re both most likely to get […]


If you had a magic wand, what three things would you do with it at work today?


“Just get ‘er done,” may have its place, but it’s not during training. When you train for speed (whether it’s waiting tables or making sales calls), you hinder understanding and quality. Always train for process (not only the […]


Used to be every employer preferred hiring for skills and/or experience; the thinking was one or both of these traits would help the new hire seamlessly fit into the new job. Today, however, in the wake of ceaseless technological […]


Have you told the people you manage how they should manage you?


Back in the day, print media recruitment advertising was a pretty-pricey proposition. You paid by the word, you paid extra for color, you paid for position. No wonder most ads were short and to the point. If you’re […]


Your Unique Employment Proposition (UEP) is a list of the top 10 reasons STARS*  should want to work for you. After all, if you don’t know why STAR employees should come to work for you, how on earth […]


When was the last time you asked someone who works for you how you might make their job easier or less frustrating?
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